Air pollution

Air pollution is the world’s leading environmental health risk and a main environmental trigger for premature death globally according to OECD. Air pollution poses a threat to people all over the world. This is especially the case in the highly concentrated urban areas where the air quality is generally lower. In addition to the damaging effects on human health, poor air quality also negatively impacts ecosystems, threatens biodiversity and harms soil quality affecting land-use.

Within European Green Deal one of the main deliverables is the action plan towards lowering air pollution by 2030. Although considerable progress towards 2030 targets has been made, especially on the pollution originating from pesticides, antimicrobials and marine litter, pollution from noise, nutrients and waste is still very limited.

With the focus on creating socio-economic added value for citizens, industry and academia at regional, European and international level, we can succeed in reaching imposed targets and delivering better solutions that will decrease pollution.

Earth Rise BioWAVE UAntwerpen
Gezond lucht

Blue App working on clean air  

University of Antwerp is dedicated to research on air pollution but also supports companies in finding solutions and implementing new technologies that would decrease damaging effect of air pollutants on human health. Drawing on this expertise BlueApp has initiated specialized lab with the high-end equipment where we are able to help you come up with solutions for your product. Visit our Environmental lab for more information. 

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